TIPS4COMPUTER-How To Good Care Your Desktop

TIPS4COMPUTER-How To Good Care Your Desktop

GOOD CARE OF PC  One of the main enemies of PCDekstop is dust and of course the computer virus is also something that annoys us. Dust can affect the computer, because with dust on a PC it will cause airflow on a PC to clog, Dust is a heat fastener causing PC...
TIPS4COMPUTER: How to check Performance Battery Laptop

TIPS4COMPUTER: How to check Performance Battery Laptop

Laptop battery performance will decrease over time. Until one stage, the laptop battery will fail well like the first purchase and unexpectedly forced to replace the new laptop battery. If you first buy a battery lasts 3-4 hours, but it’s 3 or 4 years but...
TIPS4COMPUTER : Why We Need To Backup Data?

TIPS4COMPUTER : Why We Need To Backup Data?

Backing up data regularly helps protect it from being erased if something happens to your computer. You can access a data backup from another computer if your original computer’s hard drive can’t be read, thereby saving you the time of reconstructing your...